
The Future is Beautiful…

You know, I often think about the meaning of life and there are so many things that make it for me. ❤

The last few weeks I’ve been in many beautiful cities bathed in the warm summer sunshine with the lush, warm wind embracing me until the late hours of the night, feeling great excitement in my heart.

I’ve been spending my time in the company of so many beautiful souls having deep conversations, trying new food, lots of late nights, thinking new things, growing inside and feeling so fulfilled.

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I’ve been soaking up the scenery of the most gorgeous parks, the breeze of the ocean and seagulls, playing Frisbee, going for runs, feeling totally alive and each day I’ve had that feeling in my heart, you know the one you have when you’re a kid and you feel invincible and that you’ll live forever.

I think traveling is so beautiful because you feel so deeply and can reflect on life and everything you’re blessed with. Sure I feel this all the time anyway, but I think when you travel it gets even stronger.

Anyway of all the magical things I experienced, a very special one was attending an internet marketing conference and realizing what incredible opportunities are available to us all because of the internet. I feel so blessed to be part of a revolution that has the potential to change our world in the most beautiful ways. Now its easier to change the status quo and make a lasting positive impact more than ever!

You know, there have been specific things and companies that have dramatically changed how we experience the world. The incredible freedom to travel anywhere in the world, the invention of the internet and a whole wealth of information at our fingertips expanding our minds and a connectedness like we’ve never experienced before and now with visionary online business models the opportunity to radically change our definition of personal freedom.

In the past it was very difficult to break free, because we are born into a system where MOST people are stuck in jobs and debt, having to sell their time for limited funds to pay for things I think we shouldn’t in the first place and have freedom for most, be only a distant pipe dream.

But incredibly beautiful things are happening, through the advancement of technology and the implementation of terrific ideas and we now have more opportunity than any generation that has ever lived!!

The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Now we have a feasible way to make life beautiful and make freedom a reality for anyone who really wants it.

The future is about reorganizing the world’s priorities and instead of using our money for destructive things like war and the misuse of our natural resources, we have the opportunity to create our own economy and transfer the wealth back to the good and kindhearted masses through ethical means.

To transform how we experience life, to create peace and unity, to fix what’s wrong with the world, to rebuild our communities with different thinking, to become self-sufficient and help each other, to solve all our collective problems and to celebrate life.
Join me and help create a NEW FUTURE. Become FREE and Make a Difference.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead

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Wishing you immense success and happiness in everything you do.

With Love and Service

Eliane xx

If you’d like any help on how to get paid to follow your passions and make this breathtakingly beautiful profession a reality for you too, message me through Facebook or here.  I’d be happy to help.

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#FollowYourPassions  #MakeADifference  

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What material success does is provide you with the ability to concentrate on other things that really matter. And that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, but in other people’s lives. – Oprah Winfrey

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In this guide I will share the steps to create a successful online business