Hi! Thanks for coming to my blog to find out more about me.

On here I write about everything beautiful and magical in life, freedom, how to become very successful online and have a bright future.

Currently I’m in Switzerland for lots of swims, adventures, to be with and spoil our loves and as always up for anything that can make the world better or help others.

I feel so much warmth and kindness around me, I have the most beautiful family and friends, I adore life, love traveling, I’m very passionate to help others and make myself useful.

I believe life is about service.

There are so many good people in the world filled with such kindness.

I work to help as many people as I can thrive, be free and become self sufficient.

I hope I can benefit your life too.

I wish YOUR life and world is filled with immense happiness, blessings, success and lots of sunshine in your heart.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me. I love to make new friends!

If you want to know more about me…

I was born in Switzerland, I lived the first few years in a beautiful place called Shaffhausen full of cascading waterfalls and always remember it like some sort of paradise.

When I was 5 my family moved to Tasmania, an island pretty close to Antarctica with awesome southern lights and the coolest sea breezes.

I had a very happy childhood with many beautiful memories and grew up deep in nature.

I have the most beautiful friends, an awesome huge family and little daughter (which is one of the coolest things that ever happened to me)

I had a very happy childhood, I adore life, love adventure, water skiing, snowboarding, snorkeling, hot showers, wandering in rainforests, being under the stars, traveling, helping the less fortunate and making myself useful.

When I travel, my goal is to leave every place I go a little better off. Currently I meet up and mastermind with others on how to make better communities, make our world better and help people out of financial struggle.

I’m very passionate to help others improve their quality of life using the internet.

I always work in things that are meaningful and that challenge me and I work hard to make the world a better place.

I believe life is about service.

As a child I had many friends and my life was idyllic, but I also noticed the suffering and injustice in the world.

My father taught me by his example to life for others, to volunteer, to give to charity and to help the underprivileged and poor.

My heart is heavy when I think about what’s wrong in the world.


Its not just poverty that bothers me. Its seeing my brother and sisters suffering when they don’t need to, the uneven distribution of water and food and freedom.

The funding currently used on war and destruction should be used instead to unite humanity and to celebrate life instead.

Humanity is filled with such goodness.

My dream is to visit different cities and leave every place I go a little better off whether through funding orphanages or schools, planting fruit trees, providing solar power, building water wells, restoring sight to the blind or helping serve any needs I can to those that I meet.

I want to always work in things that are meaningful and that challenge me and make progress in the world. I believe life is about service.

I’ve always felt so deeply for others and I have deep compassion for each and every person I meet. It breaks my heart to see anyone else in pain and I’d give the shirt off of my back if it meant me being cold and someone else feeling warm and comforted.

When I look at pictures like these:

My heart breaks. I can’t even describe how I feel. And its not just poverty that bothers me.

It’s the needless environmental destruction, the wars, the injustice, the uneven distribution of water and food and the lack of worldwide peace.

I’ve often pondered on the meaning of life and I don’t believe it’s about money, self gratification or aimless living. Money alone is empty, man without friendship is lonely and without real purpose and passion we die inside.

I think the funding currently used on war and destruction should be used instead to unite humanity and to celebrate life instead.

I feel the good in the hearts of others and know if humanity joins together just a little bit more, we can solve all of our collective problems.

I hope I can benefit you or your life. I work very hard to give everything I have to make this world a better place. My heart, my soul, my life and my energy I give to everyone with kindness and good in their hearts.

I wish that YOUR life is filled with so much happiness, immense success and sunshine in your heart.

And don’t hesitate to contact me. I love to meet new friends!

Eliane xx

Believe in yourself,

in love, in trust

in GOD, in miracles, in people,

in following your heart, in peace

in making your dreams come true, in helping people and in making the world a better place.