
Get Paid to Follow Your Passions and Live An Extraordinary Life

Lifestyle Freedom: an intentional, adventurous and meaningful way to design your life, the ability to have complete time and financial freedom, to use your potential, to realize all your dreams and make the world a better place.

Working online is of the most beautiful professions ever!

I think it’s the most beautiful, creative and flexible way to earn an income, follow your passions and be genuinely  free

For me, working in the laptop lifestyle kind of happened by accident, but it’s one of the greatest blessings and one of the best decisions I ever made.

It took me a some trial and error and a little while to figure out how online business works, but from years of doing it and lots of experience I found  all it takes is understanding a few principles and then implementing them consistently, long enough until you have a thriving business doing work you love.

Download My Online Business Guide for Free!

In this guide I will shouyou how to create a seccsesfull businnes online that generate you a few thousents of dollar every month.

I honestly believe ANYONE can experience great success that puts in the effort.The barriers of the past don’t exist anymore, the internet is an open source and it’s not complicated!

Start today and join me in the coolest job in the world:  


Working online is very creative, rewarding, beautiful work that only takes a few hours a day to THRIVE.

Don’t accept anything less for your life!

Realize your dreams, use your potential and get paid to do what you LOVE!!!

If life is so precious, why do we do so many things we don’t like? Life is unnecessarily stressful and too much effort is wasted living unfulfilling lives.

I beg you: Don’t follow the masses. Don’t waste it in something that doesn’t make you feel alive with great joy and passion.

Work from your laptop and get paid to do what YOU LOVE.

Below is a simple blueprint to working online, creating wealth and living the life of your dreams….

 1. Create a Grand Vision For Life –  Your True Goals and Dreams 

Write down what your dream lifestyle would look like? If your life could be anything you wanted, what would it be?

Think of the impossible, the crazy, the meaningful stuff that’s buried deep down in your heart and soul. (Forget the realistic, boring stuff you’re told you have to do).

From morning to night what would you LOVE to be doing?

Where would you live? How would you spend your time? With who?

How would you like to impact the world, what goals would you like to achieve?

When you have a clear vision in mind it’s not hard to achieve!!

2. What Are Your Biggest Passions?

What fascinates you, makes your heart beat, makes you feel alive?

What things interest you a lot, do you love to learn about, master, spend your time immersed in and love doing….?

What makes you so excited, you’d do it for free?

List all the things you are very passionate about.

3. What Kind of People Do You Want to Touch and Inspire With Your Work?

Who would you like to help, impact and make a difference to?

Who would you like to serve? What kind of people do you love?

Are they adventure seekers, stay at home moms, Vegans and people who live a compassionate lifestyle, people who want to retire early and be financially independant, fitness and health enthusiasts, philanthropists and people who want to make the world better, parents who want to give their children the best life, students, avid learners and people who love to master new skills, travelers, artists or free spirits who want more out of life than a 9 to 5?

What problems and challenges do they have? What are their goals and their dreams?

Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness – great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation, and great joy. – Jim Rohn

4. What’s Your Favorite Creative Form of Expression?

Which creative medium do you love the most or could you enjoy doing consistently?

* Pictures / photography

* Writing / blogging

* Videos, Vlogging / film

* Social Media / content curation

Choose 1 medium you would like to master

Online the money you make is a symbol of the value you create

You’re not paid by the hour, but by the value your bring to others lives.

This is a really significant difference to working in a job where you have limits on your creativity, how much you earn and the impact you can have. 

5. Choose a Great Company To Work With.

Ideally one that lets you earn from your laptop from anywhere in the world and lets you earn a high income.

This is important as there are many different ways to earn online, (some are much more difficult than others).

One of the most effective ways to create wealth  is working from your laptop(and get paid to follow your passions). Click here to learn more about the laptop lifestyle 

6. Register Your Business and set up your books to receive Tax Deductions for Self Employed

There are many tax benefits you will receive from starting an online business (even before you’re in profit).

Learn more about all the benefits here and how its an excellent way to accumulate wealth even faster. 

How many hours per week would you like to work? Which days? What specific activities will you do?

Working online you can leverage your time, earn a good income while you learn and earn from your work for years to come by implementing an excellent daily plan of action

7. Create An Effective Daily Plan of Action

A good daily plan of action to build a thriving online business consists of 3 things:

1. Create content – create something beautiful every day to serve and help others, solve problems, inspire, educate and add more light, love and sunshine into the world

2. Get it out into the world, get found and touch others- there are so many ways to share what you create online (through social media, fb ppc, search engine optimization, subscribers etc)

3. Grow and improve, read great books, listen to podcasts, learn new skills and master your craft

❤ Be a Doer, A Massive Action Taker, a Finisher and have Follow Through and The Most Beautiful Things will happen to you from working online ❤

8. Be Consistent for 12 – 24 Months / Become Free Permanently

When you have a sufficient body of work online and have mastered new skills you should be able to earn a terrific income every month doing what you love.

That’s the easiest, most effective and most creative way I know of, how to be very successful online and be completely free.

I believe following and realizing your dreams is something really meaningful that you can bring to the world.

People who follow and live their dreams are full of happiness and joy make the world a better place.

The world needs more leaders with good hearts and bright souls to impact the world.

If you’d like any help on how to get paid to follow your passions and make this breathtakingly beautiful profession a reality for you too, message me through Facebook or here.  I’d be happy to help.

Receive my exclusive training on how to be free and work from anywhere in the world.

Wishing you immense success and happiness in everything you do.

With Love and Service

Eliane xx

If you’d like any help on how to get paid to follow your passions and make this breathtakingly beautiful profession a reality for you too, message me through Facebook or here.  I’d be happy to help.

Connect with me on Facebook

99% of people don’t think exceptional things are possible. That makes it surprisingly easy for the other 1% to achieve exceptional results. – Tim Ferriss

Download My Online Business Guide for Free!

In this guide I will shouyou how to create a seccsesfull businnes online that generate you a few thousents of dollar every month.