Blog Writing Tips
I hope you’re having a beautiful week and your days and nights are washed in happiness.
If you’ve decided to start your own blog, these blog writing tips should give you some ideas on making your blog more effective.
By taking this leap and creating your blog, you’ll already have a distinct advantage that many people online aren’t making use of.
Blogging is one of the most powerful (and most underestimated) marketing strategies there are to build your business and grow your brand.

Blog writing tips to make your site more effective
1. Create Excellent Content:
One of the most important aspects of building a very successful blog is creating consistent, high quality content.
Every single post you make, you need to ask yourself, what value am I providing? Why will my reader benefit from having read my content?
The more relevant you are in addressing your readers needs, goals and interests (and solving their problems), the faster you will generate lots of traffic to your blog, develop prosperous relationships and become super successful.
Here are some blog writing tips to give you ideas for your posts:
* Pick 1 Targeted Keyword: and write a relevant post about it that helps improve your readers lives and provides solutions to what they’re looking for. The deeper you can place yourself in your readers shoes and figure out specifically why they’re typing something into the search engines, the easier it will be to come up with meaningful content that’s useful to them.
* Give Excellent and Insightful Reviews: of products, leaders, books and services related to your industry. Give your reader the most helpful resources and knowledge you can find!
* Write HOW TO Articles: Teach your readers how to do something. These are very popular, they help others understand things quicker and helps them get results and they also build your credibility as someone to work with.
* Compile an Interesting List on Your Topic: Doing this can generate huge traffic spikes to your blog. Pick some aspect that’s interesting and useful to know about your industry and make a top 20 list with links to the best resources. Write short paragraphs about who or what is on the list and why.
* Add Entertaining and Interesting Videos: from Youtube or video sharing sites related to your topic with your own comments or perspective under it.
* Define Something: Explain a definition, term or important concept in your industry that people might not know much about or understand.
* Write a Fresh, Controversial or Unique Angle on a Topic. A good place to get inspiration for new content is from the trailblazers in your field or from very old, wise books.
* Interview Experts: This is a great way to share insight from experienced people, to receive quality traffic to your blog and to build credibility.
The more value you provide your reader the easier the transition is for them to become a business partner, customer or lifelong friend.
* Be the Transformation: Even if you are new to a field and don’t have much experience, this is an excellent way to document your progress, share all your triumphs, your victories and also the obstacles you overcame along the way. By leading by example, your readers will be engaged and excited to read your content and your message can profoundly and positively change others lives!
As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. – Marianne Williamson
* Use Methods to Engage Your Readers: Create ways for your readers to experience your blog on a deeper level, to express themselves and be part of something. Do this by being creative with your pictures, incorporate video and audio, include calls to action, interact and respond when they leave a comment and add small touches to let them know you’re here to serve them. The more you allow people to interact on your blog, the faster you will build a strong community and raving fans.
* Leverage Audio and Video: By adding other mediums to your blog like videos and audio, you provide more ways for your reader to connect with you and receive your message. All readers have a preferred format of receiving information, so by using multimedia it will be easier for you to establish rapport and build a relationship. Using video also makes your blog so much more personal and inviting (so your readers remember you and are more likely to come back).
* Become an Authority: People are a lot more likely to follow, engage with, be interested in and join a leader. By learning and reading widely, putting in the effort, testing assumptions and ideas, always improving and really trying to serve and provide massive value, you become an expert in your field and can deliver meaningful content that will make a difference to their lives (and yours from the success of doing something well).
Remember to be consistent in writing your posts. Everyone equates consistency with quality and success, so by sticking with it and persevering you will create a very large, loyal and passionate following and reap endless rewards.
If you’re not excellent yet, just keep at it and you WILL master it. If you put your heart into it and work, you can succeed at anything!!
I hope you enjoy creating content for your blog, it brings many beautiful people into your life and opens new and fascinating worlds for you.
If you have any other useful blog writing tips, I’d love to hear about it. Let me know in the comments below.
Much love from your friend forever
Eliane xx
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If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. – Thomas A. Edison
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Images courtesy of (Ian kahn, David Castillo Dominici, Stuart Miles, M-Pics, imagery majestic)