

Unconventional Freedom


welcome beautiful soul!

hi, I’m ELIANE

One of the most leveraged ways to earn income and be free is through online marketing, and of course, there are many ways to do so.

But this e-book is specifically on the strategy of Affiliate Marketing. Implement the steps of this business model and unlock genuine time, location and financial freedom

I am absolutely thrilled that you’ve found your way here ♥

I‘m a Summer kid and always had a huge passion for adventure. To explore and experience everything and especially for travel. In the past on every vacation by the last day the same thought would occur to me:

What if I didn’t have to go back?

What if I could stay free?

I longed for adventure and traveled for months at a time but back then I hadn’t yet found a way to fund it without having to go back to a job. So my journey wanting to be free and earn online started quite early.

I had many different jobs working in ski resorts, as a bartender, in organics, in traditional business, public relations, marketing and fundraising for charity and I’ve had some of the kindest bosses and most beautiful coworkers, but somehow I could never settle as an employee.

I always worked long hours, had lots of stress, missed time with my family and had so much time taken up in the day by my work; and even though in some jobs I was very well paid, I just wasn’t free.

I always wanted to work on my own terms, from anywhere in the world, in the hours I chose and have no cap on my income, creativity, impact or potential.

In a job your income is linear and you’re using the most precious asset you have, your time.

It’s easy to get caught in a system, living paycheck to paycheck and miss out on the important things in life (which for me is my family and living a life of freedom).

My Why

might be very different from yours, but what I’ve learned is this: whether you have a dream of traveling the world, or if you want to get out of debt, buy a house, provide for your family or live life on your own terms – NO MATTER what circumstances you currently have or what your background is – if you’re committed and consistent YOU CAN earn a very good income working from your laptop or phone

After lots of trial and error and going through so many business models and ways of earning income online,

I found affiliate marketing is the best.

Let me explain to you in simple terms what it is, how it works and how I’m doing it differently.

Affiliate Marketing What Is It?

Affiliate marketing is a business where individuals like you and me can promote products and earn commissions. Both the companies and affiliates benefit from it.

With the increase of online shopping and working remotely, this is just the beginning of how our lives have been affected and it’s going to increase a thousandfold.

Think about it this way: most people buy things online, and if you can be the one to point people in the direction of a certain product, the company is happy to pay you a commission for your effort.

That’s win-win! The company gets new customers and you get paid for your effort.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing


Total Flexibility – You can decide your work hours anytime throughout your day and set your own schedule


Location Independence – You can work remotely from home, on vacation or from anywhere in the world even in your PJ’s


High ROI – You can define how much you earn! There’s no income cap whatsoever and the sky’s the limit.


Low Start Up and Running Costs – Start with minimal investment and low running costs without needing to buy inventory, have to ship products, pay rent for offices, have employees or be tied down to the hassles of traditional business or work.


Passive Income – Allows you to set up automation, tools and systems to earn money even when you’re not working on your business.


Master new skills – Learn skillsets from one of the highest paid careers in the world.


Make new friends – Working online is a field that attracts really great people, go getters, doers, givers and the sweetest souls. Since working online, I’ve met so many of the kindest friends I will love for life.

Anyone with a few spare hours a day can start and run a Successful Affiliate Marketing Business

If you look at most people around you, they either have time and no money or money and no time. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn a high income working 1 to 3 hours a day and have the rest of your day to do what you want.

All you need is a good internet connection, a desire to succeed, commitment and a proven system. With that you can turn any place into an office, supporting your remote lifestyle seamlessly.

For someone like me, it’s the perfect combination of work life balance. 10% work, 90% freedom.

So How Does it Work?

Here’s an example: You’re researching a trip to Venice so you go to google and ask ‘what are the top ten things to see in Venice’. As you scroll through the results, the blog of a traveler catches your eye.

You read the blog, in it they talk about all the beautiful things to do in Venice, but also recommend a backpack they love to travel with. You click on the link to see more about it. It takes you to a shopping site like Amazon or a brand store. If you buy the bag, the blogger receives a commission for recommending it to you!

That’s how simple it is.

But there’s 2 ways to do it, the normal way and my way.😉

How to Get Started The Normal Way

This is how you would normally set up an affiliate business


Choose a niche that aligns with your interests or passions. What are things you do or think about every day?


Find a product or service that’s in high demand that goes with your interests.


Find a company you want to promote that has an affiliate program.


Search ‘your niche’ affiliate programs in Google. (Make sure it’s a great product and has a good commission rate of at least 30% to make it worth your time.)


Apply to be an affiliate and get your personal affiliate link.


Decide who your target audience is this is important


Set up an online presence, like a website, blog Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest or Facebook account to drive traffic to your link.


Consistently create content that drives people to your affiliated products and services until you’re generating leads and sales daily.*

*This step might seem daunting if you’ve never had much of a social media presence or don’t have a network or following. But trust me, I figured out a way where you can start from scratch, without having had a single follower, any experience, or even have created content before and can earn a full time income working 1 to 3 hours a day.

With the right training and system everything you need to succeed at this you can learn and master!

I learned the skills and followed a proven process to know exactly what to do and I can help you do the same.

If I had known just how easy it was going to be

I would have done it so much sooner!

Lifestyle Freedom: an intentional, adventurous and meaningful way to design your life, the ability to have complete time, location and financial freedom, use your potential, realize all your dreams and make the world a better place.

so how Do I Do It Differently?

When you start affiliate marketing you don’t want to spend years trying to figure it out all by yourself. With clear simple steps and a proven system, you know exactly what to do to have success.


I followed a proven blueprint that has hundreds of success stories from all walks of life and simple steps to follow that anyone can succeed with if you’re coachable and consistent.


I’m part of a huge community of kindhearted entrepreneurs from all over the world that build their businesses alongside each other, so I‘m never alone and have constant support, guidance and mentorship. You can be part of this too.


I found digital products that let me earn 100% profits from each sale. The percentage of commission you receive is very important. (with normal affiliate marketing you only get paid typically from 3% to 20%)


Income Potential I found very in demand products where I earn high commissions, so it only takes minimal sales to have real freedom and achieve my goals.


Business in a box I got access to an automated done for you system with digital products, high converting landing pages, prewritten ads, step by step marketing strategies and everything I needed to start generating consistent sales.


Automation this one was very important to me. This allows me to set up systems so I can earn 24/7 while I’m traveling or enjoying life.

What’s your dream?

Whether it’s travel, taking care of your family and loved ones, the peace of mind of not having to worry about bills and stress, not working long hours each day giving up your most precious resource and becoming free and self-sufficient.

Your dreams are valid and attainable!

It’s time to stop settling, stop doubting yourself and stop being afraid.

The life you want is within your grasp!

I am living proof that if you pursue your dreams with unwavering determination – and a little help and guidance – you can open doors and live a life of freedom and happiness, beyond what you ever even knew was possible.

So what are you waiting for?

No one can change your life but YOU!

If you’d like to learn how I earn a full-time income working 2 hours a day with a proven system CLICK HERE or get in touch with me below.

I’m so excited to help you be free too and create the life of your dreams.

In love and service and sending you much warmth and sunshine

Eliane Kalinowski